Oh, the stories this place could tell...

Stories of a girl who, in a silent moment of prayer, dedicated her life to following Jesus. She sat right over there. 

Or about a teenaged boy, wrestling with a burden, a call he just couldn’t ignore until…finally…right there at that altar…he surrendered his will to a lifetime of ministry. 

Or maybe the married couple, days away from divorce, who came for a last-gasp marriage retreat, and God met them here…right next to that window.   

Maybe you know some of these people. Maybe that somebody is you. Countless lives, since 1931, leaving here different than when they came.

From the beginning, in the midst of refreshing scenery and fun activities, Sacramento has existed for one reason. We’ve had a singular mission. Life Transformation. 

In 1931, our founders could not have imagined the impact this humble piece of land would have over 85+ years, they just knew they needed a place for God’s people to get together and meet Him. We’re proud of this heritage, and we humbly desire to see it continue for generations. But our mission is now at risk.

Sacramento has a problem...

But our problem is not what you might think. Ten years ago, we were in dire straits. Our infrastructure was crumbling, and we were crippled with decades-old debt. The recommendation we received was, “shut it all down,” but through the persistent and faithful work of our management and board of directors, this mission is alive and well. Our problem now is that we’ve grown too fast for our current aging facilities. Our growth rate has out-paced our ability to serve as many people as want to come here. Our ability to see lives transformed by the power of God’s Spirit is being hampered. 

Mission : Transformation

Sacramento needs its own Transformation. Now that we are on a sound financial footing, it’s time to address long-neglected needs. What we need is not a simple makeover or remodeling. In order to meet the demand for space and continue to transform lives, we must first transform our facilities. Now begins the journey to see it done.

Phase 1 - The Front Porch

The first thing we needed to do was build a new welcome center adjacent to Skipper Hall.  This "Front Porch" houses our new Snack & Gift Shop and provides a much needed gathering space for our many groups.  The building which housed our old Snack & Gift Shop has been cleared to make way for our Phase 2 project, Sacramento's new Family Life Center.  The mountains which provide the beauty and peace of Sacramento also leave us few places to expand, so the old had to go, making way for the new.  It's an essential part of Transformation.  This new welcome center is truly our new "Front Porch" and provides many benefits and long-needed improvements to our ability to serve. 

  • It provides a central hub of activity at Skipper Hall, in addition to adding a striking visual centerpiece to our most used building, and the first thing our guests see on arrival. 
  • It allows us to operate the Snack and Gift Shop with greater efficiency.  With a location adjacent to our offices, we are able to quickly open it as our guests need it. 
  • It provides a much needed common area space for our groups to use. Our lobby in Skipper Hall was quickly overrun when even a small group was using it. With our new outdoor deck and courtyard, indoor gathering place, as well as an additional loft space, guests have more places to spread out and fellowship anytime, day or night, whenever the need to "Refresh" arises. 
Construction of the "Front Porch" was completed in November of 2018 and we are debt free on this new building!  Work has now begun on Phase 2. 

Phase 2 - Family Life Center

We have already begun to prepare the land for this vital new building.  Our Family Life Center will be the hub of activity for many groups, and will allow us vastly increased flexibility in handling multiple groups at a time.

While it was bittersweet to see the old building start to come down, we fondly remember the generations of changed lives that went through its doors.  It served us well for its time, and now the new building will do even greater due to its modern features and multiple configurations.  

One of the things we've learned in our years of camping ministry: you can never have enough beds, and you can never have enough meeting space. One of the major challenges we have faced with our record usage numbers is an inability to adapt quickly to different types of groups.  

In order to operate efficiently in the modern era of camping, we must have a building that can shrink or stretch from week to week. The new Family Life Center has been designed to give us that flexibility. In addition to adding over 100 beds, we can configure the rooms in a variety of ways. 

  • Suite doors between the rooms will allow us to double up for certain groups. 
  • We will have 2 apartment-style rooms with full kitchens. 
  • Additional and flexible meeting spaces will provide essential adaptability for hosting multiple large groups at once. 
Versatility is key to accommodating as many groups as possible. If we can't fit people in here, they can't experience the presence of God in this special place. 

Once the new Family Life Center is in place, we will finally have the flexibility to be able to upgrade and renovate our existing structures.

This building is absolutely key to our future growth.

Phase 2 : The Family Life Center - 2024 Update

Because of the generosity of our donors, we completed construction of the first wing and conference center portions of the Family Life Center. We opened the first wing for guest use in the Spring of 2021, and the conference center in the Spring of 2024!

Hughes Conference Center is Now OPEN!


The Journey Continues

With Phase 1 completed and 2/3 of Phase 2 operational, we still need $3,500,000 to complete the project. We need your help to finish. Construction in the mountains is a challenging and expensive endeavor, but we have partnered with a build/design firm that knows the process well. 

While the amount of money seems daunting, we know it’s not too much for God. Will you begin to pray now about your part in this mission of transformation? We are asking for one time gifts or 3-year pledges of commitment. You can be assured that your short-term sacrificial giving will lead to generations of changed lives for God’s Kingdom.